Right after church on Sunday, March 2, we’ll have an all-ages Mardi Gras potluck in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a dish to pass or just come as you are for food, fellowship, and fun! After a bit of time to simply be together, we’ll have a sing-along. There is a sign up sheet at the information desk to indicate how many will be attending and what you will bring to share. Or you can click HERE to register online (scroll to March 2 date and sign up), or call the office to sign up too, 920.553.1222. We look forward to our time together.

On Wednesday, Feb. 8th, 2025, we’re having a youth movie night at church! Any youth, 7th through 12th grade, are welcome, and friends are invited too. We’ll begin at church at 5:30, in the Fellowship Hall. We’ll have pizza and snacks. 

Mentors are invited — and parents are welcome too if you’d like to come.

We’ll be watching the movie  “The Shack”. (It’s rated PG-13)
Here’s a synopsis: After suffering a family tragedy, Mack Phillips spirals into a deep depression that causes him to question his innermost beliefs. Facing a crisis of faith, he receives a mysterious letter urging him to an abandoned shack in the Oregon wilderness. Despite his doubts, Mack journeys to the shack and encounters an enigmatic trio of strangers led by a woman named Papa. Through this meeting, Mack finds important truths that will transform his understanding of his tragedy and change his life forever.

After the movie, we’ll have a short discussion. We should be done around 8pm. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Pastor Colie or to Pastor Mark.

* Note: this activity is in place of confirmation class & Gen G youth group that evening.

Chili Drive-thru Fundraiser, car driving through a drive-thru picking up chili.

Thank you to all who supported the Women of Grace and their Annual Chili Drive-thru Fundraiser, which was held on Saturday, February 8th.
Your support through purchasing chili or donating your time working in the kitchen is very much appreciated. All funds raised will assist the WOG and their ongoing support of our community.
Carry Out Only ~ Just heat & eat! Perfect for the Super Bowl!
Chili is available with or without noodles. Vegetarian also available.
Cost: Quart $8.00 | Gallon $25.00
To pre-order, call 920-553-1222 or you can email unitedchurchofchristgrace@gmail.com now through Feb. 2nd.
Preordering is not necessary, but suggested. Otherwise drive-thru on Saturday, Feb. 8th between 9a-Noon to pick up some chili (while supplies last) at Grace Congregational Church, 2801 Garfield Street, Two Rivers.

Chili is homemade by the Women of Grace. Thank you for your support.

On September 29th we held an Ecclesiastical Council for Mark Schmitt here at church. It was a unanimous vote to ordain him. Please join us in celebrating Mark’s ordination on Saturday, November 9th at 1:00pm at our Church, Grace Congregational UCC. A reception will follow in the fellowship hall. All are welcome!

Our Grace Congregational Christmas tradition of the Cantata is back, and we can’t wait!

On Sunday, December 15th, Grace Congregational Church will be presenting the Christmas Cantata, “A Journey to Joy”. The chancel will be filled with a 40-person choir accompanied by 2 narrators and an orchestra made up of church and community members. We invite you to come share in the story of Jesus’ birth through song and narration at 9:00am and 11:00am, or through livestream at https://www.youtube.com/@GraceUCC.

As always, our church is open to everyone. Bring your family, friends or anyone you think would enjoy this special service.

Join us for worship on Christmas Eve in the evening at 4pm or 7pm. Both worship services will be in-person and streamed live on the church YouTube channel. All worship services will feature a favorite Christmas tradition, lighting candles and signing Silent Night.

Join us for Holy Week
Palm Sunday, March 24: Service at 9:00am
Maundy Thursday, March 28: Soup Supper at 6pm, Service at 6:30pm
Good Friday, March 29: Service at 6:30pm
Easter Sunday – March 31st
6:15am – Easter Sunrise Service at Neshotah Beach
7:30am – 8:45am – Easter Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall
9:00am – Easter Worship
10:15am – Children’s Easter Egg Hunt

Join us for Easter Worship and Breakfast

Easter Sunday – March 31st, 2024
6:15am – Easter Sunrise Service at Neshotah Beach
7:30am – 8:45am – Easter Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall
9:00am – Easter Worship
10:00am (approx) – Children’s Easter Egg Hunt

Chili Drive-thru Fundraiser, car driving through a drive-thru picking up chili.

This event is complete.
THANK YOU to all who supported the Women of Grace, by purchasing chili or helping
prepare chili, during their Annual Chili Drive-thru Fundraiser this year.
All funds that were raised assist the WOG and their ongoing support of our community. Thank you for your support.
Women of Grace’s Annual Chili Drive-thru Fundraiser
Saturday, February 10th from 9am to 12 Noon.
Carry Out Only ~ Just heat & eat! Perfect for the Super Bowl!
Chili is available with or without noodles. Vegetarian also available.
Cost: Quart $8.00 | Gallon $25.00
Call 920-553-1222 to pre-order now through Feb. 4th.
or you can email unitedchurchofchristgrace@gmail.com

Chili is homemade by the Women of Grace.

Sheep! Shepherds! Wise people! A baby! Even stars! We’ve got it all – and the story will be told by our children at the 9:00 a.m. worship service on Christmas Eve Day, December 24. In addition, two special guests will be with us to tell the story – and – we’ll be treated to some ukulele music and an aspiring young piano player. It will get you ready for the Christmas season!  To get ready for the program, the children will be practicing at the Hamilton Home on December 10th.

If you have further questions, please contact our church office.

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At Grace Congregational United Church of Christ, we welcome all to journey with us, including persons of every race, culture, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, economic status, and family structure.

Get in Touch

2801 Garfield St
Two Rivers, WI 54241
United States (US)

Phone: 920-553-1222
Email: unitedchurchofchristgrace@gmail.com 

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