Join us for worship on Christmas Eve Day at 9am, and evening at 4pm or 7pm. All worship services will be in-person and streamed live on the church YouTube channel. All worship services will feature a favorite Christmas tradition, lighting candles and signing Silent Night.
The 9am service will also feature our children’s Godly Play Christmas Program. Any child who wishes to participate can arrive at church by 3:45pm and receive a walk-on role as a shepherd or an angel.
Category: General
This is the category for General Information
After 9am worship, join us for a breakfast for ALL Sunday School kids and their families in the fellowship hall!
Food will be followed by an explanation of this year’s educational offerings and sign-up for Sunday School classes.
This year we’ve got a special class for 3 and 4 year olds; a Godly Play classroom for K thru 6th; and, get this: Ukelele Sunday School for grades 4 and up!
For more information and to register for Sunday School, click here
(if you haven’t yet, the breakfast is also a chance to meet the church’s new Christian Education Director Mark Schmitt)
Any youth 7th through 12th grade are invited to a kickoff night on Wed, Sept 13 at 6:00pm.
Bring the whole family – parents and siblings of all ages. We’ll have dinner together, then split into groups (Confirmation for 7th/8th graders and Generation G for High School youth) to talk about what the year will bring.
Please RSVP to Mark Schmitt to make sure we have enough food.

Thank you to all who participated in our Rally Day Celebration on Sunday, Sept. 10th. It was a huge success thanks to YOU!
We look forward to seeing you this fall and into the new year. Join us!
Rally Day is our kick off celebration for the new year!
9am worship will still be at the church (and live online) as normal.
At 10:30, meet us at Neshotah Park! We’ll be at the Horseshoe Pavilion (at the corner of Pierce St and 22nd St) for intergeneraltional fun and activities.
At 11:15, worship and lunch will be combined into one for a community Agape Feast. The main course will be pulled pork. If you can, please bring a dish to share! As an earth friendly event, we encourage you to bring your own plates and silverware. Drinks and napkins will be provided.
After the meal, The Annual Pie Auction (also to include other baked and canned goods) will be held and a bounce house will be opened for our youngsters.
Join us for worship on Christmas Eve at 4pm or 7pm. Both worship services will be in-person and streamed live on the church YouTube channel.
Both worship services will feature a favorite Christmas tradition, lighting candles and signing Silent Night.
The 4:00pm worship service will also feature a children’s Christmas Pageant. Any child who wishes to participate can arrive at church by 3:45pm and receive a walk-on role as a shepherd or an angel.
Our Grace Congregational Christmas tradition of the Cantata is back, and we can’t wait!
On Sunday, December 18 Grace Congregational Church will be presenting the Christmas Cantata, “Little Lion, Little Lamb”. The chancel will be filled with a 40-person choir accompanied by 2 narrators and an orchestra made up of church and community members. We invite you to come share in the story of Jesus’ birth through song and narration at 8:00am, 10:30am, or through livestream at 8:00am.
As always, our church is open to everyone. Bring your family, friends or anyone you think would enjoy this special service.
This year, our kids’ Christmas Pageant will be on Christmas Eve – Saturday, December 24, as part of the 4pm worship service. Any child who wishes to participate is welcome to join us!
Speaking roles (large and small) are available. Practices will happen during Sunday School time (9:15am) on Dec 4 and 11. For one of these roles, you can sign your child up by clicking here. Walk-on roles are also available the night of Christmas Eve – simply come to church that evening by 3:40pm, and we will get you a costume and a role in the play! Children can choose from being an angel or a shepherd.
If you have further questions, please contact our church office.
Join us for Christmas Caroling on Saturday, December 10, 2022. We’ll start from the church parking lot (2801 Garfield St, Two Rivers) at 1:00pm. We’ll travel through Two Rivers and Manitowoc, stopping by the homes of church members who could use a little extra Christmas cheer! We’ll stay outside members’ homes, so dress warm! We’ll end the afternoon at the home of Anita Rappe. Call the church office or contact our music director, Andrea Allington for more information.
This year’s Moon Beach retreat will be Sept 17-19. Single people, families; old people, young people; members, friends; are all invited to spend the weekend with us at Moon Beach Camp. Each family/individual will have their own cabin space to relax for the weekend. Brochures with more information and sign-up forms are at the information desk at church, or you can call the church office (920-553-1222) to get the details. Several scholarships are available to help make the trip affordable! Talk to Pastor Colie for more information or any questions.
Confirmation classes (for youth in 7th grade or older) and our High School Youth Group, Generation G (for youth in 9th grade or older), will both begin for the fall on Wednesday, September 22. Confirmation classes are 6-7pm, Generation G meets from 7-8pm.