Welcome to our Christmas Eve Virtual Choir Project
Here is the sheet music for the songs: Christmas Sheet Music
Here are the audio files for the songs:
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Silent Night
Joy to the World
O Come All Ye Faithful
Here are the instructions from our Choir Director, Andrea Allington
Thank you!! Our goal is to bring the voices of our congregation to everyone worshipping with us at home. Thank you for your willingness to help out with this project. Below are a few items to get you started. Please lean on our choir members for support. I’ve included names of members who are more than happy to help navigate you through this process.
What you need:
- A device to play the CD or audio files and a pair of headphones. Things that work well are CD players, smart phones, your computer or an mp3 player. Reach out to us if you need any of these items.
- A device to record. A smart phone works great for this. You can also record using an ipad, your computer, or any digital camera that takes a video.
- The sheet music
The process:
- Practice with the recording and music until you feel comfortable and confident.
- Prepare to record. Pull out that Christmas sweater and find a quiet spot in your home.
- Get your music and recording ready. Make sure your headphones are plugged in. We want to hear you in the video but not the accompaniment. I add the accompaniment when I’m editing.
- Press record on the video and then begin the accompaniment track.
- Sing to God! It will feel awkward at first to sing alone but remember the end product will be congregational singing.
- Ok, this is the hardest part. Watch your recording and make sure you’re happy with it. Keep in mind, there are not many people who love their recorded voice. In the words of my children, “listening to myself sing is super cringy!”. Remember, this will be put together for congregational singing. Your voice will not stick out. Our goal is to provide many voices for Christmas Eve!
Sending the recording:
The file will be too large to send in an email. Here are a few options for sending. Choose the one you are most comfortable with:
- Upload the file to a cloud storage service such as Google Docs, Drop Box, One Drive, and share with Andrea at romsosa96@gmail.com
- Use the free webtool We Transfer. Go to the website wetransfer.com and you can share your file for free.
- Save it to a zip drive and drop it off at church.
Please reach out to any of these choir members if you have questions or just get stuck. They have been through the process and will be able to help you!
Don Lewellen
Bob Randerson
Rich Holzer
Nan Jagemann