Beginning on Ash Wednesday (Feb 17, 2021) and continuing throughout the season of Lent until Easter, we will be hosting Wednesday night worship services at 7pm in our parking lot. Stay in the car and tune the radio to hear the service. Our worship leaders will be outside under the front awning so you can see us too.
The worship service for Lent week 4, March 10
Scripture: Mark 14:66-72
Pastor Colie Bettivia preaches about Peter’s Denial of Jesus (and denial of himself)
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The worship service for Lent week 3, March 3
Scripture: Mark 14:53-65
Pastor Kim Henning preaches about Jesus on trial before the High Priest
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The worship service for Lent week 2, Feb 24
Scripture: Mark 14:43-52
Pastor Colie Bettivia preaches about Judas’s betrayal kiss, and how we use our physical bodies to harm or bless each other
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The worship service for Ash Wednesday, Feb 17
Scripture: Mark 14:32-42
Pastor Kim Henning preaches about Jesus’s prayer in Gethsemane
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