Welcome to Day 1 of Vacation Bible School! Here are the videos that go with today’s lesson:
Storytime – The Disciples
[wt_youtube_video chat_id=”” chat_height=”900″ chat_width=”720″ url=”” video_id=”https://youtu.be/IAQIWbWIh04″ height=”405″ width=”720″]
Music – Fishers of Men
[wt_youtube_video chat_id=”” chat_height=”900″ chat_width=”720″ url=”” video_id=”https://youtu.be/w-c31M7nECI” height=”405″ width=”720″]
Outside – Animal Calls
[wt_youtube_video chat_id=”” chat_height=”900″ chat_width=”720″ url=”” video_id=”https://youtu.be/Qd6wZHUDCUg?t=9″ height=”405″ width=”720″]
Around the Church – The Cross
[wt_youtube_video chat_id=”” chat_height=”900″ chat_width=”720″ url=”” video_id=”https://youtu.be/iwHQuWXVi3A” height=”405″ width=”720″]